Monday, 2 May 2011

End of Term

This update will be short.  I just wanted to send out a few updates since it has been so long since my last one.

It is the end of the Spring term here in Stirling.  I have a few essays left to complete and an exam or two to around the corner. Then it is on to my dissertation. For those media enthusiasts out there my topic is, "Strategic Management of Local Television in Scotland".  I have been hard at work collecting materials and trying to plan and figure out how I am going to work out the issues within my research field.  I have successfully submitted two of five chapters for comment and review. Once the term ends all my work will be dedicated to the completion my thesis.  

Other than school things have been going rather well in Scotland.  Spring has arrived and blessed us with blooming flowers, fresh greenery in the trees, warm, sunny weather, and nice long days. There have been lots of hill-walks, picnics, barbecues and days out enjoying the sun.  The photos are from my most recent adventure. A small group of us took an afternoon hike up Dumyat which is behind campus.  I hope you enjoy the sheep and views along the way.

Check back in about two weeks for a fuller update and some more pictures from across the pond.

A wee sheep posing for the camera.
I think I was standing on the Roman ruins.  Yep...2000 year old house.
Looking out from the summit.
Come here sheep...
Looking up towards the trail.
Peak on the right is where we were going.
Towards the summit.
A few more Scottish Sheep...anyone need a sweater?

Lisanne, Andrew, and Becky.
About half way up the trail.
Daniel, Andrew, and Lisanne. Jump around!


Hope you enjoyed the photos. Come back soon.

Song of the Week
